CorTech Training are collaborating to bring you basic performance based training for corrosion applications. The Protective Coatings & Linings Stress-Zine gives me, Glenn E. Bowie, opportunities to help corrosion and materials science engineers use my background in studying effects of stress on material behaviors. Previously prepared course Corrosion I addresses historic pitting corrosion data sets,
CorTech Training are collaborating to bring you basic performance based training for corrosion applications. The Protective Coatings & Linings Stress-Zine gives me, Glenn E. Bowie, opportunities to help corrosion and materials science engineers use my background in studying effects of stress on material behaviors. Previously prepared course Corrosion I addresses historic pitting corrosion data sets, and Corrosion II emphasizes fatigue crack growth and stress corrosion cracking test data reduction. Corrosion III Editions address Issues based on my experience. The Issues contain challenges for younger engineers
Corrosion II: Corrosion Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking
Internet Resources Inc. and CorTech Training are collaborating to bring you basic data processing training for corrosion applications. Course Corrosion II emphasizes fatigue crack growth and stress corrosion cracking test data reduction.
Corrosion II is an example of performance-based training. Performance-based means you get what you do. Online participants may read and think about each task in terms of information at hand. Numerical exercises are included. Tangible accomplishments may be achieved when course lessons and tools assist solution of problems relevant to a participant’s work or school assignments.
INTRODUCTION Structural alloys require corrosion protection. Depending on the type of alloy and application, the protection can be in the form of zinc galvanizing, cadmium or other plating, or an inhibitive coating or lining system. In critical applications, such as aircraft structures, periodic inspections are performed to ensure protection system integrity. A surficial irregularity such as a carbon or carbide particle, or minute scratch can cause a local spot to be galvanically noble with respect to the base alloy. A corrosion pit can form at the irregularity. The pit can be the initiation site of corrosion fatigue.
COURSE FOCUS Corrosion consultant, test engineer, and inspector roles in railway track, pipeline or other industrial structure testing are central. Main points of lessons and numerical exercises are based on instructor’s experience in reviewing and analyzing structural materials testing data sets. The Weibull Trending Toolkit and QBasic programs are used extensively. Participants are expected to read lessons and follow instructor’s guidelines in repeating numerical exercises. Task 1 Analysis of fatigue crack initiation at a corrosion pit. Task 2 Safe-life, fail-safe, and inspection concepts. Task 3 Crack initiation. Task 4 Crack propagation. Task 5 Crack length prediction and inspection planning. Task 6 Corrosion Can Cause Rotating Machinery Imbalance. Task 7 Mechanics of Aging Aircraft, Part I. Task 8 Tributes to Woloddi Weibull Task 9 Mechanics of Aging Aircraft, Part II. COURSE SCHEDULE Beginning Date: 15 March 1996. End date: to be determined.
SHAREWARE Industry.Net ftp site to obtain the Weibull Trending Toolkit Newest Version: Carnegie Mellon University StatLib DOS/Windows public-general archive You may download The Corrosion Pitkit For Corrosion I Participants WORLDWIDE OUTREACH CorTech Training Courses I and II now online have proven to be valuable to course visitors at many university, commercial, military, government, and private laboratory sites. Issues addressed in Corrosion III are challenging young engineers. Examine the Top Statistics. You see /corrosion_fatigue/SCC/index.html, the Tasks defined here, n the Top Ten. Then view Visitor Information to see the Top 50 Domains. Try to identify clients with mutual interests and consider forming your own discussion group. PC&L; Stress-Zine Access Analysis Come Home To Protective Coatings and Linings Web Page. The Internet can provide exciting opportunities to study corrosion topics such as crack initiation in naturally corrosive environments.
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